
   2010-12-02 1920
核心提示: Saturn's second-largest moon Rhea has a thin atmosphere filled with oxygen and carbon dioxide, scientists said today。
 Saturn's second-largest moon Rhea has a thin atmosphere filled with oxygen and carbon dioxide, scientists said today。


  The discovery by Nasa’s Cassini-Huygens mission is the first time a spacecraft has captured direct evidence of an oxygen atmosphere on a world other than Earth。


  The presence of the moon’s exosphere was confirmed by instruments on the Cassini probe which orbits Saturn and its moons。


  The mission reveals that the atmosphere of Rhea, Saturn’s second largest moon at 1500 km wide, is extremely thin and is sustained by high energy particles bombarding its icy surface and kicking up atoms, molecules and ions into the atmosphere。


  The findings were published today in the journal Science。


  'The new results suggest that active, complex chemistry involving oxygen may be quite common throughout the solar system and even our universe,' said Dr Ben Teolis, the study’s lead auithor from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio。

  这项研究的倡导者,美国圣安东尼奥西南研究所的Ben Teolis博士说:“新的研究结果表明,在整个太阳系,甚至宇宙中,包括氧气在内的,活跃的,复杂化学构成其实很普遍。”

  ‘Such chemistry could be a pre-requisite for life. All evidence from Cassini indicates Rhea is too cold and devoid of the liquid water necessary for life as we know it.’


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